Marathon Canada - Calendar of Events
Events For September, 2016
Date Time Event Location Contact Info Description
Sep 10, 2016 08:00 Mount Robson Marathon Mount Robson, BC
There will be both a "full marathon" (actually about 44km/27.5mi, or nearly 3km longer than a true marathon) and a half marathon (21.1km/13.3mi) on the world-famous Berg Lake Trail. These will be out-and-back runs starting at the Mount Robson Visitor Centre. For non-endurance runners there will be a 12km run to Kinney Lake and back. Children aged 5-12 will be able to participate in 3/4km and 1.5km fun runs around the nature trail near the Visitor Centre.
Sep 11, 2016 08:00 Credit Union Queen City Marathon Regina, Saskatchewan
A relatively flat, scenic and well-supported Boston-certified loop course, the Credit Union QCM begins with a short 3km loop through Wascana Park, one of Canada?s largest, most picturesque urban parks. This opening 3km loop brings you through the starting area again (a great opportunity to wave to friends and family or hand-off your warm-up clothes to our volunteers) before you head out on the main part of the course, which takes advantage of Regina's extensive paved pedestrian pathway system. The running surface is primarily paved pathways, with some residential streets and small sections of crushed-stone pathway. There are some curbs present where pathways merge with streets and vice-versa. There are also some wooden, two-way-single-file pedestrian bridges. The course starts at an elevation of 579 meters (1,900 feet). The lowest point is 545 meters (1,788 feet) near the 16km mark. The highest point is 617 meters (2,024 feet) near the 28km mark, at the crest of a little hill we call "Mount Milos", in honour of long-time participant/volunteer/World IronMan Champion, Milos Kostic.
Sep 11, 2016 08:00 Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon Sydney, Nova Scotia
The 2016 Cape Breton Fiddlers Run will be a great way to experience Sydney for all runners. Expect a very flat, fast and scenic route that will make you want to return again!
Sep 17, 2016 08:00 Maritime Race Weekend Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia
This race is everything Maritimes: from ocean scenery to pirates, local bands and of course East Coast comfort food and beer! It is sure to excite everyone, especially with pirate booty (cash prizes) at the finish line!
Sep 17, 2016 08:00 That Dam Hill London, Ontario
More than an ultra marathon timed race, That Dam Hill is also London Ontario?s only certified marathon. Complete 42.2km (26.2miles) or more during your timed race, and you will automatically receive a certified marathon time. And yes, That Dam Hill is a certified Boston marathon Qualifier!
Sep 17, 2016 08:00 Frosty Mountain Trail Race Manning Park, British Columbia
The Frosty Mountain Ultra is held in beautiful Manning Park, BC. There are 3 race distances to choose from: The 50 km Ultra is a one loop, two mountain run The 27 km Endurance is a one loop, one mountain run The 13 km Lightning is one loop around Lightning Lake Pick your poison!
Sep 25, 2016 08:00 Oasis Rock'n'Roll Montreal Montreal, Quebec
Once more, get ready to travel the streets of Montreal in a festive atmosphere by registering now to one or other of the activities in the program: marathon, half marathon, 10km, 5km and 1 km/P ' tit marathon! Whatever your challenge, be aware that the Organizing Committee wishes you the best of luck and encourage you to achieve your goals!
Sep 25, 2016 08:00 Huffin Puffin Marathon St John's, Newfoundland
Take part in the provincial championships!! Post-Race BBQ will start 10am on the Bungalow Lawn in Bowring Park. Runners show their race bib or finisher medal for admission. Additional guest tickets are available at race kit pickup at a cost of $20 per person. Awards will be presented at 1:30pm.
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