Marathon Canada - Calendar of Events
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Jul 7, 2018
Marathon Mamu
Sept-Isles, Quebec
L un des objectifs du Marathon Mamu est de sensibiliser la population à la pratique d activité physique. Tant les jeunes que les moins jeunes sont invités à se délier les jambes pour ce rendez-vous, coureurs comme marcheurs, débutants comme experts.
Jul 14, 2018
Knee Knackering Trail Run
North Vancouver, BC
The Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run is a challenging 30-mile foot race along the Baden-Powell Centennial Trail from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove. The course will appeal to people with some experience in trail and/or endurance events. It provides runners with magnificent city, mountain and ocean views, as they go up and over the mountains which grace the communities of Metro Vancouver?s North Shore, climbing 8,000 feet and descending another 8,300 feet in the process. Running Wild magazine has recognized the race as one of 25 toughest races in North America.
Jul 15, 2018
Friendly Massey Marathon
Massey, Ontario
If you want to run a small, low-profile race in July, this is the one to do.
Jul 21, 2018
Totem to Totem Marathon
Skidegate, BC
The 2017 Totem to Totem Marathon event was dedicated to Jaylund Russ, an athlete and player with the Skidegate Saints. As if Jaylund was there to cheer them on, Desi Collinson, a long-time Saints player, won the 10 Km run, and Jaylund?s father, Frank Russ, came third. The medals for 2017 event winners, carved by James Sawyer of Old Massett, symbolically had the image of the Raven, Jaylund?s clan, in the centre, surrounded and embraced by the Eagle.
Jul 22, 2018
Sportchek Kamloops Marathon
Kamloops, BC
The Kamloops Marathon scenic course includes some spectacular views of the Thompson Rivers while running along the Rivers Pathway trails of Kamloops. Starting at Mac Island Park is like running through a mini Stanley Park. The route also includes the legendary Riverside Park which is very beautiful part of Kamloops.I cannot link to the website so google the race name.
Jul 22, 2018
Nova Scotia Marathon
Barrington, Nova Scotia
We welcome you to the Lobster Capital of Canada. Rural setting on a secondary road, some rolling hills, basically flat route. The awards will be presented and a reception will be held at the Barrington Municipal Curling Club, Sherose Island, following the event. Fish chowder and seafood chowder will be served, with pies & ice cream for dessert. Family and friends are welcome to attend the post race reception. Check the Run NOva Scotia calendar for updates.