Marathon Canada - Calendar of Events
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Jul 15, 2017
The North Face Endurance Challenge ? Ontario
Blue Mountain Resort, Ontario
The North Face Endurance Challenge Series' international expansion within North America, offering an event in Ontario, Canada at Blue Mountain Resort, located 90 miles outside of Toronto. Featuring the most pronounced elevation gain trail race in all of Ontario, The North Face Endurance Challenge cruises along the Niagara Escarpment on the western shores of the Georgian Bay and navigates through the ski trails of the Blue Mountains.
Jul 23, 2017
Sportchek Kamloops Marathon
Kamloops, BC
We are proud to be the home of the Sport Chek Kamloops Marathon, a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. The Sport Chek Kamloops Marathon was started as a partnership between the City of Kamloops and Thompson Rivers University in 2012 and is now attracting high level quality runners from across Canada as well as a growing number of international racers.