Marathon Canada - Calendar of Events
Events For July, 2016
Date Time Event Location Contact Info Description
Jul 3, 2016 08:00 Marathon Mamu Sept-Isles, Quebec
L un des objectifs du Marathon Mamu est de sensibiliser la population à la pratique d activité physique. Tant les jeunes que les moins jeunes sont invités à se délier les jambes pour ce rendez-vous, coureurs comme marcheurs, débutants comme experts.
Jul 9, 2016 06:00 Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run North Vancouver, BC
The Knee Knack­er­ing North Shore Trail Run is a chal­leng­ing 30-mile foot race along the Baden-Powell Cen­ten­nial Trail from Horse­shoe Bay to Deep Cove. The course will appeal to people with some expe­ri­ence in trail and/or endurance events. It pro­vides run­ners with mag­nif­i­cent city, moun­tain and ocean views, as they go up and over the moun­tains which grace the com­mu­ni­ties of Metro Vancouver?s North Shore, climb­ing 8,000 feet and descend­ing another 8,300 feet in the process. Run­ning Wild mag­a­zine has rec­og­nized the race as one of 25 tough­est races in North America.
Jul 16, 2016 08:00 Totem to Totem Marathon Skidegate, BC
The course is a flat and simple out and back route. It starts at the newly developed Haida Heritage Centre at Kaay Llnagaay, at Second Beach, in Skidegate, in front of the six totems representing six of the southern villages of the Haida people. Specifically, the start line is in front of the Skidegate pole. From there it is a few feet out of the driveway to Highway 16. A right hand turn onto the highway, you head north along the scenic shore line of the Haida lands. With eagles nesting over head and the ravens along the road and the waters to your right you head to the main village of Skidegate, just under two kilometres north from Second Beach. The course then turns off the highway and travels along Front Street past the Community Hall, the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program longhouse with the first modern totem pole, carved by Bill Reid, raised in 1978, standing out front. Further along Front Street the course makes it way past the cemetery and rounds back up to Highway 16. The course makes a light right turn back onto the highway travelling north past the carving shed and the original canoe house built for protection of the Lootaas, the Haida war canoe. The road continues to be flat as the run passes the famous Balance Rock at near 5 kilometres. The course then continues effortlessly along the shore line with views of water, beach and trees over the Chinukundl Creek and Miller Creek, and past Dead Tree point, all the way to the small community called Lawnhill, a name that came from either lone hill or long hill but no one quite remembers. Over a small hill on the point and the course comes to the half way point at Saint Mary?s Spring. A site named by Annie Richardson of Tlell in about 1920, it is said that if you drink of these waters you will forever return. This is the turn around point. The course returns the same way back to the totem poles at the Haida Heritage Centre at Kaay Llnagaay.
Jul 17, 2016 08:00 Friendly Massey Marathon Massey, Ontario Email
If you want to run a small, low-profile race in July, this is the one to do.
Jul 17, 2016 09:00 Blue Mountain Resort Ultra Blue Mountains, Ontario
The North Face Endurance Challenge Series introduces a first-time international expansion within North America, offering an event in Ontario, Canada at Blue Mountain Resort, located 90 miles outside of Toronto. Featuring the most pronounced elevation gain trail race in all of Ontario, The North Face Endurance Challenge cruises along the Niagara Escarpment on the western shores of the Georgian Bay and navigates through the ski trails of the Blue Mountains.
Jul 24, 2016 06:00 Kamloops Marathon Kamloops, BC
The Kamloops Marathon scenic course includes some spectacular views of the Thompson Rivers while running along the Rivers Pathway trails of Kamloops. Starting at Mac Island Park is like running through a mini Stanley Park. The route also includes the legendary Riverside Park which is very beautiful part of Kamloops.
Jul 24, 2016 08:30 Nova Scotia Marathon Barrington, Nova Scotia
We welcome you to the Lobster Capital of Canada. Rural setting on a secondary road, some rolling hills, basically flat route. The awards will be presented and a reception will be held at the Barrington Municipal Curling Club, Sherose Island, following the event. Fish chowder and seafood chowder will be served, with pies & ice cream for dessert. Family and friends are welcome to attend the post race reception.
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