Marathon Canada - Calendar of Events
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Apr 3, 2016
Around the Bay Road Race
Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton's Around the Bay Road Race is the oldest on the continent, first run in 1894, three years before the Boston Marathon. Rich in tradition, it has been won by the best from around the world, including Boston Marathon winners and Olympic gold medallists. Become part of the continuing tradition by running this challenging course around Hamilton's natural harbour!
Apr 24, 2016
18th Annual K-W St John Ambulance Full and Half Marathon
Waterloo, Ontario
Picturesque Full and Half Marathon courses wind through rural Mennonite country. ALL RUNS WILL START AND FINISH AT BECHTEL PARK.
$70 entry fee includes Technical T-Shirt, medallion,
massage, refreshments. All funds raised will go to St. John Ambulance Programs to enhance health, safety and quality of life through training and community service. Five Scottish pipers will be piping through the course!